
01 - Canada Day: formerly Dominion Day, Canadian national holiday, celebrated July 1. It is the anniversary of the uniting in 1867 of Upper and Lower Canada, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia as the dominion of Canada.

04 - Independence Day: The Literal birth of The United States of America. Their National Holiday commemorates the signing of the Declaration of Independence by the Continental Congress on the 4th of July 1776 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

07 - Tanabata: The star festival (Tanabata) takes place on July 7. On this day two stars (Altair and Vega) that are usually separated from each other by the milky way, come together.

09 - Martyrdom of the Báb: The Martyrdom of the Báb took place on July 9, 1850 at noon It is commemorated as a solemn Holy Day by Bahá'ís around the world.

14 - Bastille Day: On July 14th the French celebrate Bastille Day. This day marks the end of monarchy and the beginning of the French Revolution.