About us...About us...About us...I dunno...what is 'us'? 'Us' is the men and women who make up the Notwerk staff. All of us who spend hours upon hours inside of an office building making up funny things for you all to enjoy. Ever seen "The Office"? It's a lot like that. SG is David Brent and I'm like Gareth Keenan, a skilled and cunning warrior. We have a lot of fun.

But what do we have to offer you fine people? Well, I'm glad you asked that question. And if you didn't, I knew you were thinking it. I'm psychic, you know. First off, we have some fine pictures. If you click the "Pictures" button up there, you'll come across some rather funny parodies of Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Star Trek, or some other non Sci-Fi/Fantasy pictures.

If you click the "Quotes" button, you'll find that we have compiled some quotes from several different sources. Make sure you study up on them. You never know when shooting off these quotes will come in handy. Doing so will let everyone know that you are very intelligent and well versed in the finer things in life. We guarantee it.

Finally, we have everyone's favorite: Chatsaves. Every week, I put on my hard hat and grab a flashlight and start searching for new Chatsaves to add to this here site. By "each week", I do mean whenever I get around to it. But there's all ready enough in there to keep you entertained for minutes upon minutes.

So what are you waiting for? Start looking around and start laughing! And when you're done, well...we don't really know. I guess go chat in OTF some more?

All my love,

