include 'notwerk_setup.php'; $title = "Credits"; html_begin($title, $title); ?>
I'd like to thank everyone who worked on this project. Words can not explain how much I appreciate the work you have all put in to this. You all have all taken a chance on me and have taken me seriously which has allowed for this project to get off the ground and to have finally been completed. I thank you.
The following are involved in some way with the Notwerk and/or the recent re-design project. Major roles are explained.
CL6 SG - General site layout and redesign. SG did the bulk of the work
of moving everything from the old layout to the new layout. If one
person is to be thanked for this project, it is him.
TL - Holidays
CL6 Fat Man - Team Leader of Holidays during the Notwerk re-design. FM
was involved in the brainstorming that led to the re-design project.
TL - Holidays (ret.)
CL7 Dave (Plugboy) - Technical Information and encouragment.
SM - Entertainment
CL6 Michiel (PV) - Notwerk Outpost Logos.
CL8 Brady - The Notwerk re-design project was done in coordination with
Star Trek Sector Command as the new site features the Axis of
Anti-Iain, a project of CL8 Brady, and Kym Cabana, a project of CL7 Kym (DSC -
Star Trek).
SC - Star Trek
CL5 Kooki - Original member of the Exitainment Notwerk design team and
founding member.
Entertainment's Trivia Team
CL6 AJ - Former Notwerk Project Leader, Original member of the
Exitainment Notwerk design team, and founding member. Part of the
brainstorming that led to the re-design.
AM (2) - Entertainment
CL4 Keith
ATL - Holidays
PL - Notwerk
html_end(); ?>