Previous Simming Members

The Simming Team has had many members. This page only lists the ones that were in the team since its revival in 2013.

  These were the people who were part of the 2013 revival:

CL5 Robert Atkins also was part of this revival.

CL5 Cameron Another member of the revived team.

CL4 Darth Sidious was the first TL of the revived team.

CL4 T'Pel Kestra was the second ATL after Numbah's resignation.

CL7 Soka was part of the revived team, but only helped create the website.

CL6 Numbahs (Robert Werner) was the first ATL of the revived team and did a lot for getting the team running and planning the first Event.

CL4 Mackenzie Soul (Stephi) was in the team when it was just being revived too, but didn't stay long.